

What’s This All About???

Vision: Welcome all souls by allowing them to feel the love of God through friendly and authentically gracious service and interactions. Romans 12:13 – Share with God’s people who are in need. Practice Hospitality.

Mission: To humbly serve all people God sends our way and strive to take every opportunity we have to exhibit the love of God to the children of God and be the welcoming face of The CWOW, inside and outside of the church.

Who we serve: We serve The CWOW, Body of Christ, Pastor, leaders and every soul God enables us to encounter.


We display the love of God to all people at all times. We do not show more love to members, but welcome all people with the love of God and work to ensure people feel included in our body of Christ. Hebrew 13:1 – Let mutual love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.
We do not judge people by their outward appearance and extend love to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering. Matthew 25:40 – Truly I say to you as you did it to one of the least of my brethren you did it also to me.
We serve cheerfully, recognizing the blessing of service and our call to love one another. 1 Peter 4:9Be hospitable to one another without complaint.

Who May Serve???

Age: 5+ Church Participation: Members and Non-Members who attend service regularly and have the below skills and personality. Skills: Ability to humbly serve and welcome others, pray with others, stand for 1-2 hours, lift at least 5 lbs, communicate well with others, Public Relations experience great, but not required, we will train. 

Personality: Personable disciple of Christ, kind-hearted, patient, inviting, cheerful, humble with an authentic love for God’s people, and non-judgmental.
If you’re interested in serving within the Hospitality Ministry, please contact us at